Debuting to immediate effect, Theo Moss recently unveiled ‘Autopilot’, instantly charging forward and making a statement for alt-rock. Influenced by PJ Harvey and Mazzy Star, but adding a darker 2020s spin, her debut EP is set to showcase her growth from artistic early beginnings, and is made in collaboration with producer Gabe Wax.
Further teasing the tenacious debut project, Theo Moss has unleashed ‘The Garden’s Burning’. Exasperated by any sense of delicate submission, Theo bursts into life with a fierce alternative, raining down fuzzy howls from the guitars above a ferocious drum line.
The lead vocals are captivating, controlling the bitterness with a sense of reserved confidence, dark and brooding in the verses and unrelenting in the choruses, finding her home in a swirl of distortion. Infectious, passionate, finding a sense of nostalgia and making it new, anticipation grows around Theo Moss.
“It’s about a complicated relationship with a friend and Los Angeles. I wanted the chorus to be chaotic and represent the anxiety that comes with not having the person you can be your complete self with in your life anymore.”
‘The Garden’s Burning’ is out now…