Eric Champlin – Professional Drum Covers

Eric Champlin Drum Covers

Thanks for taking the time to do this interview Eric. Tell us a bit about yourself; your name, age, where you’re from!
Thanks for having me! My name is Eric Champlin and I’m 22 years old. I’m from California, currently living in Sydney Australia.

1. How long have you been drumming?
Surprisingly enough, I’ve only been playing for just over 3 years. People are often surprised that I haven’t been playing for longer after they hear what I have to offer. I fell in love once I got my first drum kit, and I’ve been hard at work, practicing for hours every day.

2. What first got you interested in becoming a drummer?
I’ve always had fun making my own beats with whatever is around me (a desk, pencils, etc.), and I finally decided to invest in a drum kit. It has been the best investment I’ve ever made.

3. What/who inspires your music?
Lacey Sturm from Flyleaf inspires me and the music I create.

4. Do you see being a drummer as a career, or as a hobby?
My dream is to drum as a career. I would love to make money doing what I love.

5. What are you trying to do with your music? Do you want to help your community? Are you trying to get rich? What is your goal for your music?
The goal with my music is to be a light in the darkness. In other words, I want to give hope to the hopeless and peace to the restless through my music.

6. Have you ever performed live? How did it feel?
Yes I have, many times. I absolutely love it!

7. Do you have any kind of management, publishing or distribution team behind you?
I do! I recently partnered with BroandbandTV. They like the drum covers I make on YouTube.

8. What are some accomplishments that you have achieved, and are most proud of?
I recently flew from America to Australia to study and play music. This has been the biggest accomplishment so far in my journey. That and launching my YouTube channel.

9. Have you ever made any contact with major artists or other high positioned people in the music industry and do you keep in contact with them?
Yes, I have. I shadowed the band Flyleaf at Capitol Records in Hollywood for a day in May 2014. I still keep in contact with Deb (band manager), Kristen (the new lead singer), Sameer (guitarist), and Brittany (the social media coordinator).

10. What one tip would you give to other aspiring independent artists?
Take what you love and work hard at it, becoming better every day.

11. What do you see is in the future for the music industry?
My ultimate goal is to write, record, and perform music for people who are willing to listen.

12. Do you feel like the internet is helping you as an independent artist?
Absolutely. The internet is playing a huge role in helping as an independent artist. I have a YouTube channel where I post drum videos, so I wouldn’t be as far in my career as I would be without YouTube.

13. Where can we hear your music online?
You can find my drum covers at

14. What projects are you working on at the moment?
I am trying to push out 1 drum cover every week on my channel. It’s hard work, because I’m trying to make the covers as professional as possible (both with drumming and cinematography).

15. Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years time?
If I continue to follow my dream, I’d like to see myself writing, recording, and performing music for people who are willing to listen.
