Cross-Channel Music Releases ‘Bygone Days’

Cross-Channel Music has very recently released their newest single ‘Bygone Days’ and it is just the sort of fresh new single I was hoping to get from them: upbeat, lighthearted, and instrumentally solid.

Their new single is brimming with positive energy and has a spark all its own. The song has a fantastic groove and is very danceable. It is sparse in its production and gives off a refreshing lo-fi quality that is quite refreshing. I am all for over production in music, but too much of a good thing can be exactly that: too much. Cross-Channel Music has gone the opposite direction and with a fantastic result. The production really makes for a different and exciting listen that begs repeating.

The song is also catchy and that is due in large to Pierre Lassegues’s sense of melody and vocal delivery. It is poppy enough to be catchy and different enough to be quality. He is the perfect front man for this group as he adds an unmistakable fire to the group’s sound.

I can only hope that this is the kind of sound to be expected from their upcoming album ‘Man In A Dream.’ It is a massive step in the right direction and great start to this new era of their music.

Follow Cross-Channel Music for more info: Website | Instagram | Spotify | Bandcamp