Speak my mind: El Greasy can tell she is not impressed on the bottle-shattering Whiskey

Known best for their thunderbolt-sizzling-with-dangerous-venom of a single Bad Night For Leather from late 2023, Oakland’s much-vaunted greasy livewires El Greasy tops up with a guzzling treat to treasure until the bar staff turn off the lights on Whiskey.

There are dark arts nourishing the ominously creaking speakers with a mean energy which might cause many ghosts to shudder, as El Greasy does what they do best. Slashing speakers that is. With a care-free abandon. This will piss off the neighbours. 

Whiskey is an eye-rolling single about causing chaos at a party that isn’t expecting the walls to be flattened by a brutally honest band who is extraordinarily thirsty for action.

8 minutes and 34 seconds is all you will need to believe in rock n’ roll again if you have forgotten about how it makes the soul feel. Alive. Possibly a few broken ribs will occur. This is bloody brilliant too. El Greasy drinks for free in our ears you see. 

Listen up right now on Spotify

Check out their moves on IG

Reviewed by Lu