Electric Wave Inspection Bureau New Album Out September 2014

Electric Wave Inspection Bureau

Electric Wave Inspection Bureau

Do They Have Tunes? is described by EWIB ‘Chief Inspector’ Andy Cooke as classic British 80s electronic new wave meets modern American alternative rock/pop, with a few wub-wub bass lines thrown in for good measure. With 11 tracks clocking in at a little over 40 minutes it is a non-stop run through the catchiest electronic pop tunes.

The album was recorded and produced by Andy Cooke in Baltimore, MD with guest vocals from Kate O’Connor in an online collaboration. The majority of the album’s instrumentation was programmed using Korg’s new Gadget iPad app and represents a showcase of its diverse range of instruments.

Electric Wave Inspection Bureau is an electronic/pop offshoot of the Baltimore-based 3-piece rock outfit, Dataloaf, and consists of the following members:

Andy Cooke (producer)
Kate O’Conner (guest vocals)

Website: https://ewib.bandcamp.com
Twitter: @WaveInspector
Facebook: www.facebook.com/waveinspection