Eric James – Youth Inspirational Speaker / HipHop Artist

Eric James, is an award-winning and well-known youth inspirational speaker based in Phoenix, Arizona, offering top-quality services such as: keynotes, student assemblies, freshman orientation, leadership conferences, and any event where you need to impact lives. Since 2002 Eric has been empowering students to become a product of C.H.O.I.C.E!

Imagine capturing an audience with music, drawing them in, getting comfortable, building trust. When you least expect it, real life comes into view.

The true story of a boy and his 13- year-old mother, the gangster life of his father, gang life, dropping out of school, being abused, and life in the streets of St. Louis. This sad tale does not end in sadness. It rises above the situations to show how a “product of the environment” can become a “Product of C.H.O.I.C.E.”

You will be amazed at the emotional journey that Eric James will take students on, in little over an hour. The explosive moment comes when the audience is snatched from the head nodding tunes to the tragedy that life sometimes has to offer.

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