In The Studio With Campfires

Three years after the dissolution of Autumn In Disguise, three of the members decided to get back at it again, forming Aberdeen pop-punk outfit Campfires: “The whole purpose of this new band is to get together as friends, write songs that tell a story and play fun shows. We felt like that was similar to sitting round a camp fire and telling stories – hence the name.” Despite being a project where fun is cited as the key ingredient, Campfires’ sound is far from disposable. Upbeat yet emotive, catchy yet sombre, the quintet’s self-titled debut E.P, which saw release on 15th Jan, sees them slotting in well with the modern pop-punk sound de jour. Here vocalist Mike gives us an insight into the creation of the release as we go behind the scenes in the studio…

Campfires Promo

After tracking demos with our good friend Louis Craighead, we decided to venture down to Cardiff in Wales to work with esteemed producer Romesh Dodangoda, at Longwave Studios. Some amazing records have come out of that studio and a lot of cool artists have recorded there so we were really looking forward to working with Romesh.

We were all set for 5 days down in Cardiff to record the first Campfires EP, consisting of 4 tracks.

As part of the week, we were put up in a nice apartment not far from the studio, which had a nice balcony to go with the heatwave at the time! This was a cool place to come chill and hang out after the studio each day.

The first day was set out for drums, which the machine James nailed in a couple of hours easy.  It definitely makes a difference in a band when your drummer is tight! This led way to starting guitars earlier than planned.

Unfortunately, Craig couldn’t make it to the studio, so Napz took over bass duties too for the week! Napz and Yogi smashed out all the guitars and bass in the next few days. We experimented in the studio with various tones, guitars and amps to fine the right sound for the tracks. It was obvious that Longwave was like a sweet shop of awesome music gear and Romesh was really good to work with.

Once all the guitars were completed, we got the vocals started on the 4th day. Mike worked through all the songs over the last 24 hours and on the last day we added backing vocals and additional harmonies. By the end of the week it was really exciting to hear these tracks take shape and we couldn’t wait to hear the final mixes.

We were lucky enough to be in Cardiff during a heatwave, so what better way to endure this lovely weather than with a studio BBQ with Romesh and the Longwave crew! The whole week was awesome weather which lead to some exploring around Cardiff and the studio itself! We even managed some fun nights out with Romesh and Aled from Kids In Glass Houses. We aren’t sure Cardiff was ready for some wild Scotsmen showing clubs how to dance like Shrek. The morning in the studio after was a little rough for some people!

Our week at Longwave Studios had come to an end and we enjoyed our time working with Romesh and his crew. After traveling back to Scotland and waiting a few weeks, we received the mastered EP and couldn’t be happier with the final mixes. We’re glad to have finally released these tracks and can’t wait to play some shows again!

Campfires Artwork

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