Happy Birthday Dave Grohl

The Nicest Guy in Rock, Dave Grohl, turns 48 today. In celebration of everyone’s favourite multi-instrumental globe-straddling polymath, here’s a few Grohl facts that you might not know:

  1. He’s been honoured by his birth town – Warren, Ohio – twice, with a David Grohl alley and a 902lb pair of drumsticks in the town’s centre.
  2. He played drums on the soundtrack of 1994 The Beatles film Backbeat, joined by Sonic Youth‘s Thurston Moore and R.E.M.‘s Mike Mills.
  3. After seeing a photo of Andrew WK with a bloody nose, Dave asked him to support the Foo Fighters on tour and helped him get a recording contract.
  4. He described PSY‘s ‘Gangnam Style’ as “one of [his] favourite songs of the last decade“.
  5. He’s freaked out by Japanese porn: “Japanese hotel porn is creepy because it doesn’t look like anyone is enjoying what they’re doing… they make it seem like crime, and I’m not into that.
  6. A dedicated cheese fan, Grohl is however not comfortable with goat’s cheese as it tastes like “sucking a dirty goat’s tit“.

Happy birthday, Dave!