Q&A with Singer-Songwriter Christine Tarquinio

Following the release of her latest single ‘All Angles’, we got to chat with singing teacher, soccer mum, and pop singer-songwriter Christine Tarquinio.


– Hi Christine Tarquinio! Can you please start by telling us what made you want to pursue a music career?
In the beginning I needed a lot of encouragement. I knew I wanted to release music that was of my own creation but it was also daunting. In the end I decided just to give it a go. Life is too short and I didn’t want to look back and then feel like I had missed out on a special opportunity.

– Your new single, ‘All Angles’, explores the intricate dance of control, strength, and inner struggles. Can you tell us more about the inspiration behind this song and what it means to you personally?
I liken this song to those sliding door moments in life where you are faced with something that seems insurmountable. Having the courage to face up to them. My main source of inspiration is always my family. My everlasting hope for them is to find happiness in everything they do. When that is tested by any number of curve balls that can come in everyday life, I like to think I do my absolute best to shield them from those grey sky days.

– ‘All Angles’ is your first release since your EP in mid-2023. What made you decide to take your time with this song and how do you feel it represents your growth as an artist?
I definitely allowed myself a lot of time to reflect on last year and the whirlwind of releasing my second EP. I am always seeking out new sounds and like to work with different musicians to see if I can change things up. I find that the most fun and for me personal growth as an artist, to challenge myself and try out new ideas. It keeps things fresh and fun.

– As a singer-songwriter, you draw on your experiences as a mother and the challenges of family life. How do you balance your roles as a musician and a parent, and how does your family influence your music?
I find that I strike a balance by being realistic. There may be days when I don’t do much music at all due to family commitments. However, I would always make up for it in other ways at other times. I know how much I can juggle all at once, and it is best to be honest with myself about that.

– You’re also a singing teacher, fostering the next generation of vocal talent. How does teaching influence your own approach to music and what do you hope your students take away from their lessons with you?
My number one rule is for my students is, that singing needs to be fun and it is okay to make mistakes. There is time for technique and that is all part of developing a voice but it can be done in an enjoyable way. All voices are unique and are a gift. I really enjoy sharing all of my experiences in singing/songwriting and performing to help them find their own path in the musical world. It really is very gratifying to see them succeed and that I played a small part in that.

– As you celebrate nearly a decade since your debut release, what have been some of the most rewarding moments of your musical journey so far and what aspirations do you have for the future?
I have been so lucky to work with amazingly talented musicians and producers over the last 10 years and they all bring something unique to each project. Launching my debut EP in 2017 and performing those tracks live with a band was definitely a highlight for me. The dynamic of working with live musicians is always such a thrill.

Also, seeing the amazing global reach impact my music in the last year or so has been a profound experience. It has been a game changer and makes the musical world feel a little smaller.

In the future I really would like to do more collaboration on songs from the outset. Creating something with others in a moment and not knowing what it will be like until the day arrives is quite exciting to me.

