Aaron Wyanski Delivers ‘SCHOENBERG: Drei Klavierstucke, Op. 11’

Aaron Wyanksi is an accomplished pianist, composer and musicologist who invites the audience to enjoy an “Atonal Adventure in Stereo Sound!” Atonal is defined as not written in any key or mode and atonal music tends to ignore conventional measures & harmonies.  Prepare for unconventional musical structures as Aaron Wyanski is on a mission to bring atonal music to the forefront.

As soon as I hit play, I know I am in for a wild ride musically. ‘SCHOENBERG: Drei Klavierstucke, Op. 11’ is in the key of unique originality and Aaron Wyanski is your maestro.  On the opening composition, “MaBige”, the listener will get hit with mind-bending notes and complex sound effects & concepts.  “MaBige” has a very different song structure and texture that gets your mind racing and your ears buzzing.  On the following number, “Sehr Iangsam”, one will hear a slowed-down tempo and mysterious tone that will ignite your senses.  Your musical palette will be filled with wonder as Aaron Wyanski offers
the element of surprise on “Sehr Iangsam”.  Journey through space & time in an atonal galaxy far, far away as interstellar sensations are filling the airwaves.  Hang onto your hats…and popcorn and just enjoy the show as “Sehr Iangsam” proves to be a real crowd-pleaser.  The record ends on a high note with “Bewegte” where a spiced-up tempo and flavorful mix wraps tightly around your eardrums.  “Bewegte” proves to be a fulfilling experience and one satisfying conclusion, so BRAVO Aaron Wyanski.

Combining elements of jazz, classical, mid-century lounge, free improvisation and everything else in between, Aaron Wyanski delivers a masterful performance for the ages.  This record was arranged, conducted, mixed & mastered by Aaron Wyanski and the end result is unorthodox yet fine-tuned to a T.  Maestro Wyanski has made a believer out of me when it comes to atonal music thanks to this new release.
‘SCHOENBERG: Drei Klavierstucke, Op. 11’ will blow your mind and have you questioning everything you thought you knew about music composition.

This “Atonal Adventure in Stereo Sound” will change your perspective on ALL things music and will certainly stir up an array of emotions.

Stream it below on SoundCloud: