Airbnb renters turn one-bed flat into a nightclub

Airbnb customers turned the one-bed flat into a club equipped with bouncers, tickets, and a sound system.

The pop-up nightclub appeared last weekend in Canonbury, North London. The renters hired bouncers to stand at the door. No one could enter the property without a ticket, even members of the local council who were phoned to the property.

The party had around 200 people present, as well as a full sound system and DJ equipment. Unhappy neighbours phoned the police as the noise was unbearable. One neighbour said “It was the worst night ever. I could hear the music louder than if I was playing it in my own living room. It was horrible music.” Another went on to say: “It sounded like Fabric was upstairs. It was just the constant bass thud. We saw one guy carrying in DJ equipment.

When the police arrived they were unable to enter the property due to the volume of people inside the property. They arrived at the flat at around 4:30am but the music reportedly never stopped until 6am.

Islington councillor Andy Hull said “Our officers could not enter safely and had to call police for assistance. Because of the numbers involved, extra police then had to be requested and, as a result of this action, the party closed and all left. The council has contacted the property owner, as the occupiers had breached their Airbnb agreement.

Speaking about the incident, Scotland Yard said “no criminal offenses were apparent” and that officers “maintained a presence until the party concluded”.