‘Always’ sees Moonshine delight with beautiful vocal harmonies and gentle instrumentals

Photo Credit: Eirad Netze

Moonshine have just released their latest single ‘Always’, in the lead up to the release of their debut album ‘For Bright & Rainy days’.

‘Always’ begins with a semi haunting whistle before the beautiful vocal harmonies and gentle instrumental arrangement delights our ears.

The song has a dreamy feel to it thanks to the calming melody, whilst lyrically the song conveys one of guitarist Omer Yihye’s infatuation stories, where he took a train ride and thought he saw his overseas lover sitting across from him.

After some time of constant staring and glaring in an attempt to see if it’s really her – the girl turns to him asking “Can I help you with anything?”

After realizing it wasn’t the same girl, in order to extract himself from the awkward situation – he had nothing to do but get off the train at the wrong station.

