‘Fortune vs. Favour’ begins with haunting melodies and the stirring vocals of Seek Harbour

Kent based band Seek Harbour recently released their new EP ‘Emotion vs. Motion.’

‘Fortune vs. Favour’ is the third track from Seek Harbour’s new EP.

‘Fortune vs. Favour’ begins with haunting melodies and the stirring vocals of Seek Harbour, but as the track progresses the tempo gets driven up as the band unleash heavy beats, energetic riffs and a powerful performance from Edwin Hall and Aimee Allin.

This time bringing uplifting and inspiring into the mix of describing words with a catchy chorus and heavy sections to boot.

The song is trying to spread awareness.

“Sometimes we yearn for more, be that things or money, instead of being happy with what we have when ultimately some people – against their choice – are born into poverty who actually wish for the basic necessities most of us already have.”

