Francis Lung covers ‘Rock Bottom Riser’ by Smog (Bill Callahan)

Francis Lung has just released the video for his atmospheric rendition of Rock Bottom Riser by Smog. Delivering a hypnotic blend of both visuals and sound, he gives a lesson ensuring the two elements generously compliment each other.

The harmonious vocals soar melodically over a deep sub-bass, mirroring the barbershop-like lyrics. A faint and distant sounding guitar chimes in and out without overcrowding the most striking components whilst stop-start clicks add some structure and create a live performance like feel. The ambient video creates a mesmerising experience with a magnitude of spiraling ripples shifting to the vibrating music.

This song comes from a new campaign project entitled Torch Songs, which focuses on the CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) movement for International Men’s Day. Find more about the cause here.
