Gemma Felicity has just unveiled her debut single ‘This Place’

Gemma Felicity is a 27 year old singer songwriter living in London – a self described empath, an overthinker with a big heart.

She thinks and feels very deeply, and this comes out in all of her songs, as she likes to use music as a way to express her deepest emotions and experiences.

“Music is medicine” is a motto she lives by. She finds music very healing, and her lyrics can be dark and exposing.

She has been singing and performing since the age of 9, has written poetry since aged 8, and begun writing songs at the age of 21.

After quitting music for a few years during her undergraduate degree she went on to study for a Masters in Music Performance and Songwriting at Leeds College of Music.

Gemma Felicity has just unveiled her debut single ‘This Place’.

The lyrics of ‘This Place’ have a sombre feel to them but the track delivers catchy melodic hooks, which compliment Gemma Felicity’s vocal style.

