‘Hamilton Pool’ Details Alysia Kraft’s Unexpected Summer of Love

Like a romantic-comedy montage, ‘Hamilton Pool’ serves as a tender indie-pop track detailing the beauty of falling in love. 

As winter slowly fades to spring, Alysia Kraft reminds listeners of those glistening moments of warmth and connection under the summer sun. Detailing that whimsical and freeing moment when love finds you, Kraft’s ‘Hamilton Pool’ is a candid indie-pop reflection of the unexpected beauty of life. Released 20 May, Kraft explains that the track is “about meeting Staci Foster, my partner for nine years and my musical collaborator in Whippoorwill.” Back in 2012, a friend recruited Foster to take Kraft out of the chaos of SXSW in order to explore the lesser-known parts of the city for a little while. “She picked me up and took me to the magic limestone grotto outside Austin that is Hamilton Pool,” she says. Arriving just 10 minutes before the natural area closed, the two decided to stake out their claim and hide while everyone else cleared out. “We had a magical 30 minutes or so of skinny dipping and basically falling in love until they found Staci’s truck in the parking lot and ultimately chased us out,” she explains.