INTERVIEW: Yana Rose Release Debut EP

Yana Rose tells us more about herself and her sound in the new interview. In it, she gives a little more insight into the thought process behind the new stellar EP Another Missed Sunset which includes focus track ‘Tainted Heart’. If you like Yana’s sound, be sure to check her out on her socials.

If you were to describe your music to a stranger, what would you say?  

When people ask I usually say it’s under the Indie Pop umbrella, but gives off  some R&B too. I’d say my music is comforting if you’re feeling alone, or at least I  hope that it is. Easy listening, definitely leans sad. Although saying to a stranger  that I make sad music sometimes feels strange, so usually I stop after the genre.  

What is the message, if any, that you would like to get across with your sound?  

I hope that people find solace in my music if they feel like they don’t have anyone  to talk to. It’s always been difficult for me to vocalize my emotions to other people  because I don’t want to come off as ungrateful, and I think I pour a lot of those  emotions into my music, so I hope people feel more comfortable with their  thoughts after listening to my music.  

If your music was a colour, what would it be and why?  

Overall I’d say my music has a dark purple feel. Some blue and red hues maybe,  but mostly dark purple. I don’t really have a good explanation — maybe dark  purple is how I imagine the feeling of a cozy sadness.  

What artist has influenced your songwriting the most?  

There isn’t one artist that sticks out to me. I don’t really have someone I’d put  above anyone else when it comes to my influence or inspiration. I listened to a lot  of different types of music growing up. Pop, rap, r&b, jazz, country, and I’m sure it  all influenced how I write today.  

Where would be your dream place to play a gig?  

I’d love to have a show down the line back in my hometown, Traverse City,  Michigan. I’d also love to play a show in Lombok, Indonesia, where my dad is  from and where my family is. Two places that feel like home and had a huge  impact on how I was raised.  

If you could write a song with anyone, alive or not, who would it be? 

The first people that come to mind are Jon Bellion and Stevie Wonder. Both of  them are such incredible writers and do such a good job at articulating a feeling.  

What can we expect from you creatively in the next year?  

Versatility. I’m hoping to release some stuff that’s a bit outside of what I’ve done  this year. I’m still playing around a lot with my sound and my voice, and I’m  excited to see where that goes. I also want to play around a lot more with art and  presentation. Honestly I’m not really sure what to expect but I’m excited to see  where the year takes me.  

Where can we find you?  

I’m not super active on any social medias, but if you want to keep up with me  Instagram is the place to do it. @yanarosemusic