Justin Payne & Co. Release A New Grungy Love Anthem With Latest Single “Together As One”

The newfangled Rock n’ Roll track from Justin Payne & Co. is set to be a grunge love anthem. “Together As One” is full of lively energy and touching lyrics. In life we have highs and lows, the collective experience of making it to the other side victorious is a universal joy that we all seek to undergo. The vocals, lyrical performance, and background track all work together to enhance this musical experience, and provide it with a sense of pride, and emotional connection. From start to finish, this song is a masterful voyage across a sea of encouragement.

The tender lyrics contrast in the best way possible with Justin’s gritty delivery. Much of his discography has been centered around themes of devotion, love, community, angst towards corrupt institutions and people, as well as various flavors of social commentary all wrapped up in instrumentals typically pulling from the rock tradition. With Payne on vocals and guitar, Dave Cerelli on bass guitar, and Eli Simon on drums, the instrumentals included in the song give it the rock and roll edge that we are all craving.

 “Together As One” is a song indicative of someone having the conviction and motivation to push through dark times to come out as a better person on the other side. The vocal performance and background track build up over the course of the song, and finally give off a sense of triumph at the end of the song; We, as an audience, have experienced a victory alongside Payne.

Justin Payne has been within the music industry for over 15 years, and grows more dedicated to it as each year passes. He has released several EPs and, beginning with his first, titled “Interstellar Vagabond” in 2014. Over the course of the next several years, Payne would release additional extended plays and songs, with an upcoming one set to release in December.

Keep up with all things Justin Payne & Co. at their website.