Leo Wood elevates electronic music with stunning live performance of “Venus” in Morocco’s Paradise Valley

Leo Wood, the enigmatic UK artist known for her soulful vocals and genre-defying music, takes listeners on a mesmerising journey with her latest live performance of “Venus” in Morocco’s breathtaking Paradise Valley. Collaborating with Alpha Rhythm and Villem, Wood revisits the track that garnered huge online success, offering a fresh perspective in a stunning natural setting.

In this captivating rendition of “Venus,” Wood’s distinctive songwriting and ethereal vocals shine as she effortlessly navigates a lush soundscape. The live performance, recorded amidst the stunning backdrop of Paradise Valley, adds a new dimension to the track, infusing it with a sense of grandeur and awe-inspiring beauty.

What sets Wood apart is not just her musical prowess but also her adventurous spirit and commitment to pushing boundaries. Venturing into remote landscapes to record her music and create visually stunning videos, Wood defies the conventional norms of music performance, opting instead for epic natural settings that complement her euphoric tunes.

Reflecting on the performance, Wood describes the process of bringing “Venus” to life in such a remote location, emphasizing the freedom to improvise within the boundaries of the song. The result is a breathtaking visual and auditory experience that captures the essence of the track’s message of overcoming challenges and embracing epic landscapes.