Lina Maxine delivers power pop masterpiece ‘Let Me’

Lina Maxine has delivered something pretty stunning this week. Her new single ‘Let Me’ is an absolute earworm, crafting together genres from pop to punk with an underpinned rock centre, making for an enthralling and addictive song that you fill no qualms in repeating throughout your day. Her incredible approach to songwriting is showcased in full here, as she hones in on her voice and sonics to create something truly captivating.

‘Let Me’ can remind you of so many sounds and songs you’ve heard of the years, from the steel-stringed guitars to the pulsating crescendo finish, but Maxine has also created a world that is entirely her own, and she absolutely owns it. Treat yourself this Friday and stream ‘Let Me’ to your pop-punk hearts content. You won’t regret it!

Lina explains, “Inspired by the great 007 anthems, ‘LET ME’ is about the power of human embrace in the face of adversity, with commanding lyrics conveying strength and drawing people closer together. I wanted to kick off 2023 with a passionate song that offers emotional support to listeners, eliciting hope and a real sense of connection to music, and to each other.”

Listen to ‘Let Me’ here:
