Monica Aben Takes Us Back to “That Kind of Happy” on Her 30th Birthday

California’s very own Monica Aben is celebrating her 30th birthday in style by gifting the world a soul-soothing track titled “That Kind of Happy”. This joyous release is a nostalgic ode to simpler times and the innate human desire to reconnect with our roots, nature, and each other.

In an era where technology reigns supreme, Monica takes us on a trip down memory lane, reminding us of the time when we were blissfully unreachable, riding bikes to our friends’ houses, and chatting with our crush’s parents on landline phones. It’s a powerful ode to millennials who, like Monica, grew up experiencing a world untouched by the smartphone revolution.

In Monica’s own words, “That Kind of Happy” is about “tapping back into our natural humanity and inherent connection to everything around us.” She longs for the days when life was about growing your own food, sharing meals with loved ones, and losing track of time while playing outside until the sun set.

Monica Aben’s musical journey began at an early age when she mastered the piano and guitar, nurtured by a music-loving family. This strong foundation allowed her to discover her exceptional talent for songwriting, influenced by iconic artists such as Keane and Taylor Swift. Despite facing significant challenges, including a vaccine-related allergic reaction that temporarily took her out of social settings, Monica’s passion for music and songwriting continued to burn brightly.

Through the years, she has released a series of compelling tracks, each revealing her unique perspective and unwavering authenticity. “That Kind of Happy” is another chapter in her evolving story, reflecting her commitment to creating music that resonates with her audience, free from societal expectations.

Accompanying this delightful single is a captivating music video, shot and directed by Monica herself, along with Anna Marie Aben and Kota Wade. The video perfectly complements the song’s message, visually encapsulating the essence of going on an adventure to rediscover the joy of life. It showcases moments of freedom, simplicity, and nature’s beauty, transporting us to a time when we were free to be bored and just be ourselves.

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