Noaah drops new single BOUNCE

Returning with clean-cut flows, ‘BOUNCE’ is the latest offering from rapper-musician Noaah. The artist has risen to prominence via TikTok, and his social commentary twinned with a winding flow has kept audiences waiting for more – and ‘BOUNCE’ truly delivers. Purpose build for the party playlist, Noaah’s roots are of greater importance than social standing.

Talking about the inspirations behind his artistry, Noaah shares:

“My main inspirations are my closest family, my mum, brother and sister. Being able to show them my music and having them be proud and knowing the lyrics within the next few days is just a great feeling. My mum would play my music whenever we’re in the car, or I’ll just be chilling in my room and I hear her playing it from her stereo and it makes me proud of myself also because all I want to do is make them proud. So in my lyrics there will always be a clear message with clean lyrics so, of course, my mum can listen because you don’t really need to swear to make music, and I just write about my life experiences and always try to include wordplay wherever I can. If people relate then they relate, but they tell me they enjoy it so I keep making what they like, mixed with what I also enjoy making.”

With over 10,000 followers across platforms, Noaah has established his own platform to build from. With eyes truly fixed on him, the only way looks up for the rest of 2022.