Paid By Cash release new EP ‘Static Ideas’

Paid By Cash take us on emotional journey with their new EP ‘Static Ideas’. The E.P combines different types of indie-rock music, with indie riffs, a strong rhythmic backbone and angst-vocals jelling the group together in the E.P’s heavier tracks. However, the group also offer something different on a few tracks when stripping this heavier side back and creating times where an acoustic guitar works infectiously with softer vocals, showcasing the band’s incredible musicianship.

Speaking to us about the release they share: “We worked this collection of songs over the good part of a year, honing them at live shows and rehearsals. We worked very collaboratively on all these tracks despite having a small lineup change, with everyone’s contributions very much being heard on every song. We recorded down at a studio near Halifax nestled next to a hill. The drives there and back really added to the whole experience, driving through Bronte country and much of Calderdale. It had snowed on numerous visits to the studio, putting doubt on whether we’d even be able to get back home but the passion and drive to get these songs the best they could be meant we stuck around for as long as we could.” 

The band’s unique sounds have made them a stand-out act to go and see live and we suggest you do just the same. With much more in the pipeline, it looks to be a very exciting future.