Scott Klein creates a dark vision into his mind with his debut album ‘Jesse’s Hotel’

Lusting, sensual and intimate, ‘Jesse’s Hotel’ carefully builds a vision of Scott Klein’s world. The Canadian-born songwriter takes a Country-rock sound and lays it bare; drawing in elements of the British rock scene and fusing them together with his sultry lyrics. Lead singles include ‘Sunshine’ and ‘What’s My Name’, the former written for a lover who tragically lost their life and the latter an ode to Scott questioning himself in a dream.

Discussing the new album, Scott Klein shares: “A lot of this album were songs I had written on the west coast, I feel that comes out a bit in the recordings, I pull from the 50s 60s and 70s and some from the punk era, I can say anything really, but it comes out how it comes out, I think the things I listen to and read are really just a backing track but where the songs actually come from who knows, but they are honest experiences or dreams that had to come out. What I shoot for is honesty. You can’t pin it down to one genre and it’s a good thing because the process is always evolving.”