Shannon Hudson Faces His Fears With Encouraging New Folk Single “Run Into The Arrows”

The single captures the most terrifying, yet powerful realizations of life into an easy listening folk track for fall. 

Folk singer-songwriter Shannon Hudson released his inspiring new single “Run Into The Arrows” on November 9. Hudson’s deep voice full of character paired with his incredibly moving lyrics showcase what a true folk singer-songwriter was born to do – tell stories for listeners to find their own meaning in.


Hudson says the inspiration for the single came when training for a half-marathon. “They tell you to run the opposite direction of the car traffic to be safe…[I] realized I was running straight into [traffic].” The singer says he felt exposed to the danger of oncoming cars, yet strong in his ability to protect himself, sparking the idea for the song’s lyrics. Growing up listening to rock and roll of the late 50s and early 60s, Hudson was destined to create songs about the pivotal points of life.