Sophia Grace Reveals Pop And RnB Fusion ‘Little Things’

Singer-songwriter Sophia Grace is back with a brand new single, ‘Little Things’, just in time for her final appearance on The Ellen Show, where she went viral 11 years ago with a cover of Nicki Minaj’sSuperbass’.

A modern RnB/pop fusion, the track’s lyrics look to take aim at social media and the problems youth face growing up with it. “Little Things is by far my favourite song I’ve ever recorded, and it’s very true to my heart.” Says Sophia, now 19 years old. “We live in a world today where we can feel under pressure to live up to what we see on Instagram and TikTok. Little Things is a song about appreciating the little things in life that we take for granted. And what I’ve found out in my life is that the little things mean so much more to me than fame and fortune.”

Being described as an internet sensation for her quick rise to fame through YouTube and other online media, Sophia has previously released seven singles, including last year’s drill-inspired ‘My Zone’, with ‘Little Things’ looking to add to her already prolific online view count.