Tash Sultana’s mesmerising solo music ensemble is out of this world

Tash Sultana is certainly making movements at the moment; being recognised globally for her incredible sound. The 21-year-old began her musical career busking on the streets of Melbourne. Recording her own homemade videos, which subsequently went viral, launched Tash into the spotlight and helped her yield the recognition she well and truly deserves. Selling out headline shows around the world and writing her own music; Tash Sultana is making tidal waves.

With so many strings to her bow, her talents seem endless. A phenomenal singer, adept guitarist, but also a beatboxer and loopologist, Sultana is entirely self-taught and quickly began to develop her own sound. Her vocals are enchanting and mesmerising whilst her guitar entrancing and otherworldly.

2017 is set to be a big year for Tash Sultana with her world tour almost entirely sold out, not to mention being added to a number of additional high-profile festivals such as Laneway. Reeling from the success of her singles, ‘Jungle’ and ‘Notion’, both doing the rounds heavily on Australian radio station Triple J, Tash is ready to take on anything that’s thrown at her. Tash’s sound is both hypnotising and addictive with uncharted playability.