Twitter’s latest musical trend #DecorateASongOrShow has had some hilarious results

Today at Music Crowns, we stumbled across a strange hashtag trending on Twitter – #DecorateASongOrShow. Although little was explained about the mysterious hashtag, it seems to revolve around taking a popular song or show title and decorating it with household furniture – very bizarre indeed, but the results are hilarious.

We thought it would be nice of us to compile our favourites from the viral #DecorateASongOrShow trend and share them with you, our loyal fans. Some of these are awful, but some are hilarious. You’ll get the gist of it all as we go along.

This one’s not about music but was just too witty to pass on.

We were feeling inspired, so We decided to throw one of our own into the mix to finish off.

If you can think of any we’d find funny tweet your #DecorateASongOrShow @MusicCrowns and we will add the best ones to our list. So sit back and enjoy our list of #DecorateASongOrShow top musical chairs.