
Who is answering the questions?

Hi, I’m Mirko, guitarist and founder member of the band.

How did Angerdome originally form?

After many years with my previous hardcore band, Russian Roulette, I decided to move to a more modern metal sound, that I have always listened to and wanted to play, but I never had the opportunity to do it.

How did you get to the band name Angerdome, and what does it mean to you?

The name started as a joke from a Futurama’s episode, in which Professor Farnsworth retires to his “angry dome” to vent. We immediately liked the idea of music as an escape from anger and frustration and so Angerdome seemed to perfectly fit the concept.

For an unfamiliar reader, how would you describe the sound of Angerdome?

We essentially play groove metal and we are inspired by the masters of the genre, like Pantera, Machine Head and Lamb of God, just to name a few. We play very strong music but we always try to have a catchy approach to composition. Basically we play what we like to hear.

Touring wise, what are you getting up to this year?

We have not scheduled tour yet, we are looking for a booking agency that allows us to get out of the Italian borders.

Can you give us a couple of personal touring highlights since your formation? 

We had a memorable gig with Beasto Blanco, the band of Chuck Garric and Calico Cooper, great people and great professionals, we spent a great night with them.

How does a song normally come together for Angerdome?

Normally I write the music of the song almost entirely, including the essential parts of the drums. Then we go to the rehearsal room for the arrangements and finally Luca creates the lyrics.

What can you tell us about the themes & influences behind your self-titled EP?

As I said, the influences from the masters of the genre are pretty clear, but we don’t feel we banally imitate them, we believe we have taken our own way, our own style, which of course will be even more defined with the next record. About the lyrics, we have given full freedom of choice to Luca and we are fully satisfied with its work. He creates direct and energetic lyrics that perfectly fits our kind of music. Our main themes are society, religion and of course human’s emotions.

What can you tell us about the writing & recording process for your self-titled EP?

We have self produced every part of the EP, We have recorded, mixed and mastered all the music in my studio, in Ravenna. We have also designed and realized all the artwork. We are very proud of this.

What made you want to have this EP be a self-titled release instead of giving it a name?

We think of this EP as a presentation of the band, when we wrote these songs we had not taken a specific direction about the lyrics and the music yet, we did not know exactly what would come out, it was all pretty spontaneous. For the first full length, however, we are thinking about a concept album, where the title and also the artwork, will have a specific meaning and theme.


How would you say the sound of Angerdome has grown/changed since you first started out?

It’s early to say, but even through the last line-up changes, we are developing a consciousness about the musical path that we will take. Do not expect a radical change but not even a copy or a simple continuation of this EP.

Also, how did the artwork for your self-titled EP come together, and what does it mean to you?

We put the logo on the cover then we thought: Now what the hell we’re going to put in the rest of the pages? Seriously as we said we decided that our EP had to be a presentation for the band so we simply put together some professional photos and the main logos of band.

What do you want your self-titled EP to do for the representation of Angerdome?

We have recorded this EP to have a snapshot of what was produced by the band so far, as you can see the record contains 7 tracks, almost half an hour of music, much more than a classic EP, what we felt the need to introduce ourselves outside the local scene and see what the reaction would be.

What is the music scene like to be a part of in Ravenna?

Ravenna has always been an important city in the Italian and international underground scene, in the hardcore scene of the late nineties, early two thousand and in recent years with bands like Hierophant, Void of Sleep, Postvorta, just to name a few. The drama is the lack of equipped places that offers live music. We live in the kingdom of discos!

What sets you apart from other upcoming bands?

This is what we would like to hear from you!

What else can we expect to see from Angerdome in 2016?

I hope we can present our first full length later this year, but it is a race against time. Surely we will try to play live as much as possible, perhaps in a European tour.

More information on their awesome self-titled EP can be found here: