Reliable Brother is music’s answer to high energy quality live performances!




Reliable brother is R&B/pop duo that lives in charlotte north Carolina they are inspired by micheal Jackson, Usher and Chris brown

Sanwone and Santae Benjamin are known for being ,twin Rn/b and hip hop dancersfeatured along side many of your favorite indie and major artist. They tour the festival circuit often! 10801585_846918478685562_7039398630352551811_n



They have toured with everyone from major to indie artist. Lighting up the stage with there unique looks as for one obvious feature is that they are twins with an african look even though born here in the states. Besides there unique looks the skill set is there and these two are taking no names and lighting up stages everywhere so be on the look out for this up and coming hip hop dance duo!

You can connect with the reliable brothers Here!