Soulost are back with part two of their EP ‘The Way I Feel Pt. 2’

Soulost 'The Way I Feel'

‘Soulost’ are back this autumn with their second EP ‘The Way I Feel Pt. 2’, bringing a heavier more expansive sound than their previous EP, you guessed it ‘The Way I Feel Pt.1’ out last February.

What’s different with the band this time is the added member, bassist Lux joining Ceria (Vocals), Stef (guitar/songwriter) and Law (drums). This new EP is a mixture of synth, heavy guitars and sweet vocals it’s unusual combination but it works really well creating a memorable sound that a lot of us can’t seem to categorize. ‘Bring you down’ is the track that opens, it’s twinkly angelic opening doesn’t prepare you for the sudden full sound with vocals and guitars, but it is exciting! It gets things off to a running start. My favourite song of the EP the closing track, ‘Save me’ an absolutely beautiful acoustic song with clean vocals and stunning lyrics. It’s breathtaking and brings the EP to a gentle close. How nice.

I highly recommend giving this group a listen! Find the full EP, ‘The Way I Feel Pt. 2’ on soundcloud now.