The Sound of Sleep

The Sound of Sleep

Stress, heart break or plain old insomnia, a lack of sleep is a modern problem that effects us all at one time or another. Laying on your back with a glazed expression, willing to be rested and calm. Could the solution be as simple as music?

We love music, it entertains us as while we drive and gets us moving in the clubs, but could it send us to sleep? The lullaby is a time old tradition that we could apply to our own sleeping habits. Start of with a comfortable new bed, well fitted pyjamas and a cup of cocoa. If that fails, its time to spin some tracks. Let the music play and sleep soundly, but which music will send me to the land of nod?

The tranquillity CD

Many musical sleep solutions are available to purchase for a reasonable price. Soothing tones and whale noises are a proven method of relaxation and will certainly be a good start. It may seem a little lame, but soft Spanish guitar and light piano rifts are hugely relaxing. Sounds of nature will tap into a primal area of the brain that promotes peace and equilibrium. The types vary, but the effects are very positive.

Get moving

Ask a Doctor how to get better relaxed and achieve prolonged sleep, they will all give you the same answer; get more exercise. Pull on your sweats, fill your MP3 player with some banging dance hits and hit the streets. Run, cycle or lift weights, the goal is simple. If you are totally exhausted, sleep is going to be easy. You also will be able to fit into the jeans you purchased last summer and look great in swim wear on the beach.

Watch a feel good musical

Curl up in your duvet and stream Frozen on your T.V Bed. The feel good music will melt anyone’s heart. Kids do it all the time, why cant the grown ups have the benefit of Disney magic to send them to unconsciousness. Just remember to “let it go” and have a good nights sleep.

Pick your jam

If you like 80’s soft rock or cheesy pop, country and western or acid jazz, the relaxation will be just as effectual. Most people may think its noise, but you love it. You favourite music will be telling when it comes to bedtime. I once knew a chap that popped on a Black Sabbath album before slumber, and always had a great nights rest. Don’t knock it until you have tried it. Gangster rap or California punk could be your ticket to a good nights sleep.