

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the next big boy ‘band’…please meet Supanova.

Supanova, who are based in Glasgow, are Harris Hiscoe, Christy O’Donnell and Gregor Coleman. The three piece are very much in the mould of Busted and McFly, with killer songs and having infectious, likeable personalities.

Their famous songwriting producer John McLaughlin, first brought the lads to my attention in January. Since then, working alongside their management team, Derek McDonald & Steve Gilmour, I have helped to promote and raise awareness of the band

Songs like, “I Do” and “Hanging With Harry” are, in my personal opinion, top 10’s just waiting to happen.

No one listened back in 2010 when I said how huge One Direction were going to be, so make note of this date, because Supanova are going to be massive.

Here is a brief introduction into the secret magical world of Supanova!

[youtube id=”QBr8ef5SM9M” width=”600″ height=”350″]

Twitter: @supanovaboys