7 of the best songs about casinos

Casinos are widely known as popular gathering places for people who want to enjoy good food, entertainment, and gambling. However, with the rise of online casinos, many casinos across the world have seen a decrease in visitors. Mobile casinos in particular have become a hit, as they offer players the convenience of being able to gamble on the go. With more and more people using their phones and tablets for everything from checking the weather to booking a hotel room, it’s no surprise that mobile casinos are on the rise. There are now a wide variety of mobile casinos to choose from, each with its unique selection of games and features. However, despite the convenience that mobile casinos offer, there are still people that enjoy dressing up and going to a physical casino. Are you one of those people who love to go to casinos? If so, you’re probably always looking for new songs about casinos to add to your playlist. Lucky for you, we’ve put together a list of 7 of the best songs about casinos. From country classics to modern pop hits, these songs are sure to get your heart racing and your feet moving. So, what are you waiting for? Start listening and start gambling!

The music industry and the casino world often intersect, creating unforgettable experiences that resonate both on the dance floor and at the betting tables, one fascinating example is the list of Online Casino Curacao that highlights songs about casinos.

Poker Face – Lady Gaga

One of the most iconic female singers of recent years has to Lady Gaga, and she is well-known for many of her great songs. However, Poker Face is loosely related to gambling. The song is essentially about Lady Gaga’s partners needing to read her poker face to understand what she is thinking. Having a poker face is incredibly important while playing poker. If you like poker, this is a great song to listen to whilst playing. 

Easy Money – Billy Joel 

Billy Joel, easily one of the most talented singer-songwriters in history, is known for many popular songs, such as Piano Man, Uptown Girl, We Didn’t Start the Fire and more. For gamblers, however, there is one song, Easy Money, that should resonate very well. In the song, he mentions almost every form of gambling. If you have been playing the odds for quite some time, this is a great song to listen to. 

The Gambler – Kenny Rogers

Another incredible talent singer-songwriter who had released many amazing hits over his career, such as Coward of the Country and Islands in the Stream, released what is probably the most iconic gambling-related song; The Gambler. The song is about a man who takes a ride on the train and is seated next to a veteran gambler. Throughout the song, the gambler advises about life and poker. This song is sure to resonate with anyone who has been gambling for some time. 

Queen of Hearts – Juice Newton 

Not all gambling songs are directly related to gambling, such as the case with Queen of Hearts. The song is incredibly catchy and featured in a famous video game series, Grand Theft Auto. The song is about love, and about someone willing to do anything for their loved one. The song uses the joker card as a metaphor when speaking about someone who gets taken advantage of when doing anything for their partner. 

Ace of Spades – Motorhead

Country and pop songs aren’t the only genres to touch on gambling. Motorhead released a song in 1980, called Ace of Spades. The song isn’t really about winning but is more about playing the game and enjoying it. It’s named Ace of Spades, because the ace is referred to as the high card in poker, and in the song, the singer is saying that all he needs to win is the ace of spades. However, if you have played poker or blackjack, you know that isn’t the case, but it’s still a great song to listen to whilst gambling. 

Last Dollar – Tim McGraw

If there is one thing that every gambler fears, it’s either running out of bankroll for the evening or becoming addicted and running out of money. In Tim McGraw’s Last Dollar, the person is basically down to their last dollar and essentially says that they are now out of money. However, instead of being down about it, the song explains that the man sees this as an opportunity to not have to worry about anything anymore, and goes where the wind takes him.

Waking up in Vegas – Katy Perry 

If you are getting ready to go out gambling with your friends, then Waking up in Vegas by Katy Perry is a great song to listen to. Unlike the other songs on this list that relate to love, or about departing gambler’s pearls of wisdom, this one is fun. It’s about a couple that goes to Vegas, gamble, and win. The song details the wild night that the couple has, what they do, and how they won big. This is something that every gambler wishes to happen to them, and maybe this song will give you the luck to experience just that. 
