Introducing: Jon Henry

Jon Henry

Just a few months ago Jon Henry was working as an actor, doing some modelling gigs on the side, however a ticket purchase to a Dance music festival proved to be a life turning decision, which led to a change of path, turning Jon Henry into a DJ and producer.

Having now been involved in the electronic music business for less than a year, Jon has brought back his roots as a musician and is using his talents in the studio to create a new flavour of House music. In such a short period of time, Jon Henry has also landed a residency at Mint Leaf in London and has also started his own imprint, House Of Henry.

We’ve caught up with Jon and spent some time chatting about how he started his musical career, what he’s up to at the moment and what he’s got on his cards for the months ahead.

Hi Jon, how are you and what’s going on in your world right now?

Well right now at this very moment I am hanging my head out of the window in my studio, trying to get some air! It was 30 degrees today and I was locked in here the whole time with the windows closed, blinds shut! On the plus side I did crank out a pretty awesome track, so I guess the dehydration and mild hallucinations were worth it! Can someone please invent silent air con so I can mix and be cool at the same time? Aside from producing in saunas I’ve been loving my Friday night DJ residency, spending time with friends and family and just enjoying life all round! These are good times!

Where are you currently based?

I live in the stunning area of North Acton, but I prefer to say West London. Sounds so much better!

How and when did you get involved in the music business?

Tricky question! Technically I started producing and DJing in Sept 2014 so I’m a newbie BUT I was raised in a musical family and learned to play guitar and drums from a young age, so I’ve always been a musician.

Do you consider yourself more of a DJ or producer?

Is it bad that I want to say both?? I honestly couldn’t pick between them. There is something so incredibly absorbing about spending time in my studio working on a track. I can get lost for hours and not even think about eating, sleeping, talking… My housemates literally never see me! But then when I’m behind the decks I feel completely at home as well. I feel like an extension of the mixing desk – we’re rocking the place together. People seem to know that and respond to it – it’s a real buzz!

How would you describe your current style?

Well I really like sportswear, comfy clothes and… Oh I see what you mean! I really enjoy music that makes me feel something. So I naturally gravitate towards the harder edged tracks. I love producing pumping bass lines, harsh leads, big chord breaks… anything that has a big impact on the listener. I don’t go for the whole ‘middle of the road’ Pop-House stuff. Unless it has a really nice vocal that makes me smile – then I can dig it.

Has your sound gone through any major changes along the years?

If I change the question to say ‘year’ I guess that gives you your answer! I honestly haven’t had time to change my sound yet, but I doubt it will change because I am totally in love with the music I’m producing already. I may venture into various sub-genres of House music but it will always be with the four-to-the-floor kick drum that is for some reason so comforting to me. It makes me feel at home as soon as that rhythm kicks in. It will always be House.

Who were your influences growing up?

I was a guitarist all the way through school and college so I listened to bands back then – Oasis, Blur, Nirvana, Green Day… pretty much anything that had some good electric guitar riffs I could play along to, much to my mother’s dismay! I’ve always loved electronic music too though and back in the 90’s I would buy the ‘Best of

Dance’ compilations on tape cassette so I would be treated to Dr Alban, The

Shamen, Prodigy, SL2… all the classics! I still love them now!

Walk us through your major career highlights so far.

You’re making me feel like a real newbie here! Career highlights?? So far the best moment has actually been finishing my track today because it’s the best I’ve produced by a long way! Other than that I think the best moment for me was when my first ever track on Soundcloud got downloaded over 3,000 times in the first two weeks. Until I uploaded that track, the only opinion of my music I had was my own. It was scary to put my work out there and be judged, but the positive feedback gave meall the confidence I needed to keep working hard every day and keep the faith that I could end up where I wanted to be. And look at me now! I’m doing interviews!

Do you have any projects in the pipeline this year?

Right now I’m focusing on getting my first few tracks released and building a namefor myself as a producer. I already have a Friday night DJ residency, so I will continueto develop my sound there and of course look for more live gigs, but the mostimportant thing for me this year is getting the Jon Henry name out there, to theright people. I’ve heard stories from established producers of the first time a bigname DJ or label got in touch with them and asked to work with them on a project. I can only imagine how happy that moment must be – I want that!

What are your career related dreams?

I’ve never been one to shy away from honesty even if it means declaring somethingthat might make you sound crazy… so I’ll tell you right now that my dreams are BIG! I want to tour the world as a DJ, produce tracks with other big names, continue todevelop my own record label (already in the early stages) and eventually teachothers how to produce electronic music.

Your top 3 all-time tracks?

Impossible! But I can tell you three tracks I love in three different categories because that is how my brain works… (I’ll decline to bring up my weird love of ’Reach’ by SClub7 at this time…)

Timeless Classic: Darude – Sandstorm

Modern Banger: R3HAB &Vinai – This Is How We Party

Not Electronic: Oasis – Champagne Supernova

Who’s inspiring you in 2015?

So many people!R3HAB, Will Sparks, Vinai, Bassjackers, Tiesto, Martin Garrix, TJR, W&W, Wolgang Gartner, Let’s Be Friends, Far Too Loud… I really could go on! I have a lot of love forsuccessful DJs and producers. They give me something to look forward to and smileabout every day!Other than DJs…I watch a lot of motivational speakers and Ted Talks so I would say Simon Sinek, Shawn Achor, Bruce Muzik, Xenia Tchoumitcheva and Lissa Rankin. Between themthey have inspired and motivated millions of people – I know because I’m one ofthem!

If you could choose, who would you like to collaborate with?

I was born in Suffolk so I would love to work with Ed Sheeran. I have no idea why itstrikes me as being a good idea, just because we were both born farmers but thereyou go!As far as electronic music producers go… if I could spend a day in the studio withR3HAB or Will Sparks (preferably both) I would be a very happy man!

Tell us something not many people know about you.

Before working as a DJ/producer I was a personal trainer/life coach and I still keepup with all the good habits I got into, so I still write a gratitude journal every day. I stillmeditate at least four times a week and I still eat clean, train every day and respect my body – until the weekend, then I party. I mean… I am a DJ!

Anything to add/shout outs?

It’s been such an incredible journey already and I feel like I’m just getting started. Iwould like to say a huge THANK YOU to my family who have always believed in meand given me their blessing when it comes to chasing my dreams, even though ithas taken me far away from them. I miss them every day but we all know where thisis heading and we all know it will be worth it. Right guys? Guys??

Thanks Jon!

You’re very welcome!


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