James Cové – Hung and Reckless

James Cové

James Cové

Even at 15, James Cové knew winning a friendly high school beat-making competition was just the beginning of his musical career. He had an 808 heart, and now…heʼs got fans that hear it. And like the title of his latest single, heʼs been “Livinʼ the Life”, injecting his rocker soul into infectious pop beats since 2011.

With a songstress mother and Rock & Roll Hall of Fame uncle, James Cové grew up in a musical family. But it wasnʼt until after attending Jacksonville University on a football scholarship that he was able to truly pursue his music. He began in the all-male group Da Pretty Boys, touring with the band from the BET network show 106 & Park. Shortly afterward, he decided to go solo, making appearances on MTVʼs Spring Bling and working briefly with an independent Florida record label.

James Cové brings a stage presence few can rival. Confident and energetic, he instantly connects with his audiences. His music is undeniably entertaining, laced with feel-good beats, rock irreverence and pop dancability. Couple that with his bevy of dancers, DJs and live bandmates and youʼre set for a head-bobbing, fist-pumping, titan of a stage show.

James Cové is sponsored by URK (Us Raw Kids) and Bofresco clothing lines and also recently extended his own reach into the fashion sector, launching the original clothing line NAKʼD, or New Age Kingdom. His line features Snapbacks, Hoodies, T-shirts and socks.

You can find out more about James Cové, keep up on the latest news, music and videos, and check out his latest single “Livinʼ The Life” by searching JamesCoveNow on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

[youtube id=”7lA97GaYy3s” width=”600″ height=”350″]

Or get all your Cové communiqué delivered straight to your phone by downloading the James Cové app on iTunes or Android marketplace.

DatPiff: www.datpiff.com/James-Cove-Hung-Reckless-mixtape.437098.html
Website: www.jamescovenow.com
YouTube: www.youtube.com/jamescovenow
Facebook: www.facebook.com/jamescovenow
Twitter: @JamesCoveNow