Jordan Morris – Celebrate

Taking on the classic sound of UKG, Jordan Morris releases the soulful ‘Celebrate’.

The beat skipping kick drums married with the reggae guitar riff lay the foundations to the track as the tempo bubbles and flows, leading in to the vibesy hook.

Laying down a smooth and stirring vocal, JordanMorris rides the beat and switches it up from the sweet to the sexy as he hits out some cheeky lyrics.

Having previously collaborated with Dappy and Faith SFX, Jordan has continued to carve his musical niche, perfecting his current sound for forthcoming debut EP ‘Discovery’ due for release in 2016. Exclusively revealing that he’s been working with super producers such as P2J and writers ‘Roc-City’, responsible for hits for Usher, Rihanna & Ciara, the EP has been crafted with great skill, drawing the depth and talent from Jordan in a way that hasn’t previously been heard.

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