Matthew Heller & The Clever

Matthew Heller

Matthew Heller grew up on a small farm in Portland, Oregon. He started writing songs on piano at age ten. He has travelled across the country playing at rallies, protests, cafés and bars. Matthew has lived in Illinois, New York, and California, all the while writing songs, rambling and meeting amazing people.

Folksinger/songwriter Matthew Heller’s self-titled breakthrough album brings together a wide variety of sounds and genres including folk, indie, and grunge. – Girl On The Go PDX

Two beings seem to be competing for Portland singer Matthew Heller’s soul. One is a snarling, “Stick-it-to-the-Man” folk-blues-buzz-rocker who, despite all his rage, is still just slightly less angry than Billy Corgan, although Heller probably has more real reasons for his angst than his multi-platinum counterpart. – Rob Cullivan, The Portland Tribune

Matthew Heller a pianist and songwriter from Portland Or. has gracefully emerged with his self-titled new music release “Matthew Heller” with excellent reviews and eight inspiring songs surrounding his life, family and friends. -Our City

Heller has created a brand of angsty, thrashingly soulful folk-rock that is entirely his own. – Alec Cunningham, BLANK

Twitter: @MatthewHeller1