Rob Decoup – Burn Me To The Ground



Rob Decoup’s music comes from the surrealistic imagery of dreams weaved around his thoughts of the moral-sociological-political triumphs & struggles of his time. “When I turned 15 I got an electric guitar, but my folks didn’t know it needed an amp, so for a while I simply trained my ear and manipulated the sound with no amp!” Rob Decoup is all about invention and evolution—from his days of no-amp’d guitars to his now fully evolved razor-sharp sounds, adapting to survive is his key instinct. He holds a PhD in Political Science, which means he’s a natural communicator between cultures, between citizens of the world and those in power; Rob isn’t on a mission to make your body simply dance, he aspires to be a positive influence by shaping the world around him through music.

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Musically, he’s influenced by legends such as The Beatles, The Doors, Dylan, Hendrix, and his sound’s power comes from the feverish energy of Metallica and Guns N’ Roses, just to name a couple. Rob has been on the road since he was a boy, the things he’s seen and lived—from London to Vienna from Italy to NYC—is the tale of the poet traveler, absorbing the stories and terrors of our time with a songwriter’s eye & mind and throwing it back into the world through rock music that has the burned & haunted edge roots of classic blues music pain.

“As i was sitting one night in 1991 glazing at the stars, a huge cloud moved towards me in an unnatural fast speed, with fire shining brightly in the center of it. Creatures with sapphire thrones floated out of it in crafts made of two big wheels. They told me the melodies would come at night… The melodies are the weapons of choice in the inter-galactic war against the enemies of the age of Aquarius! ”

When Rob Decoup comes to town, enemies of the human free spirit run and the free-spirited are energized and armed with his melodic lyrics.

New Single:
Twitter: @RobDecoup