Space Elevator rock out with self titled album – due in March

Preceded by single ‘Elevator’, Space Elevator released their debut, self-titled album next month. A roll call of rock music veterans, weened on the likes of Thin Lizzy and Queen, there is an element of theatricality to their music that hasn’t been seen since the likes of the Scissor Sisters and (whisper it) The Darkness.

And it’s the latter of these which bears most comparison to Space Elevator, with the new band coming out on top in terms of both talent and attitude. Fingers crossed they see some of the success of their predecessors, because this is top quality, fun music which recalls a style of rock which is resurgent thanks to the Guitar Hero video games and stage shows like ‘We Will Rock You’ and ‘Rock of Ages’.

If you’re not into that kind of thing, then this may not be your cup of tea. But if you’re looking for accessible but eccentric rock, Space Elevator might just give you the lift you’re looking for.