Rescued Gucci the Bird dances to Justin Bieber

Birds are known to be very sensitive and are easily stressed. When they experience stress they sometimes pull out their own feathers. Unfortunately, this was the case for Gucci the Bird.

He used to live with owners that didn’t care for him and let their children torment him. As such, he began plucking out his own feathers until he only had feathers left on his head. Thankfully he’s since been rescued and now lives with new owner Kurter Barnett in Canada.

Once he started to feel more comfortable with his new home and owners he began dancing to whatever songs were on. You can watch him happily dancing along to ‘Baby’ by his favourite artist Justin Bieber.

Barnett updates his Facebook and Instagram to include videos of Gucci dancing as well as updates about his progress. We’re glad to see he’s being treated well and is enjoying life.

You can follow his progress on his socials.
