8500 – Backout

8500 and Cassie

8500 and Cassie

8500 is a City of Paramount native. Growing up with the passion of entertainment, he dedicated his 4 year college term to establishing a brand along with an identity for himself. Step 1 of conquering entertainment is understanding and excelling in music.

That is where college life music started and his actions at the University of the Virgin Islands and Cal State University of Northridge landed him the name “Mr. Bad Influence.” staying positive and helping students with any homework, studying, etc’. and always ready to turn the night into something memorable.

His song displays college life moments and everyday activities of a person in college, looking to get the best of his wonder years.

[youtube id=”wYsMPl8qS7o” width=”600″ height=”350″]

I’m a party rapper, I’m an entertainer. I’m not here to tell my life story, I’m here to give your life a story to tell.– 8500

Website: www.mrbadinfluence.net
Twitter: @iFollow8500